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Using a CLNC will save you time and money:

  • Our CLNC services are far more cost-effective than those of a physician.
  • We can anticipate the medical-related arguments of the opposition.
  • CLNCs are professionally trained to understand the legal process and identify the pertinent issues in a medical case.
  • Our CLNCs have access to a well-established network of medical-legal resources. As a member of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC), Medico-Legal Consulting has access to an extensive network of professionals and healthcare providers which are used to ensure the efficient handling of your case.
  • The CLNC may serve as your expert in the nursing field and has an expertise in locating and screening other medical experts as needed.
  • As a healthcare provider who is face-to face with the patient everyday, the CLNC can educate you about a wide range of medical related issues that may be hidden in medical charting.
  • We will help you to eliminate surprises and avoid the pitfalls associated with medical cases.
  • We can provide credible medical-legal research – validating your position and enabling a successful outcome in each case.

Ask about our Risk-Free Guarantee.


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Sherry Michael, RN, CLNC - Executive Director

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